Category: My Photos

Posted in Events that Changed Me My Photos

My Wedding Ring

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Posted in My Photos

Catch the Wave

I used a Pringles chip tube and my iPhone to take this photo. I really was unsure what it was going to turn out to…

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Posted in My Photos

View From A Birdcage

I laid my iPhone at the base of the birdcage and used my iWatch to remotely take the photo.

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Moth on a Storm Door

Late at night, I found this moth on my storm door. I used my iPhone X with a clip-on macro lens with the porch light…

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Green Bee on Dandelion

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Macros and close ups

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Forced Perspective Landscapes

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Posted in My Photos


Various landscapes in my area

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Water in motion

These are photos of a small creek by a campground I spent the weekend at. The waterfalls are forced perspective photos that are only about…

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Macro photo of bee

While working at my house I saw this bee sitting on my front porch steps. It had rained that day so I assume it was…

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