My Deeper Look

In the song The Gambler it is said that you need to know when to hold em and when to fold em. But the truth is that in life we rarely can even see the cards.

Recently I was listening to the song The Gambler by Kenny Rodgers. It wasn’t the first time or will be the last time I listened to this great song. However, I wonder if the meaning behind it will change as I continue to age.

Back when I was a kid, I would have told you that the song was an ever-encouraging song. It tells you that throughout life you will need to make some very important choices in your life. Then you would have to learn how and when to make the right ones at the right time to win. That in time you will always know when to make those choices.

If you are not familiar with the song the part of the lyrics, I am speaking of is the verses:

You need to know when to hold ’em
You need to know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
You never count your money
When you are sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done

So, the problem is that these rules are ever-changing and ever-moving as you get older.

When you are young you believe that you have plenty of time in your life to change and plenty of time to correct the mistakes you make. But as you get older you start to see just how little time you actually have. Unless of course things that make you change happen suddenly. For example, if you’re young and suddenly find out you have a life-threatening illness, you suddenly realize that time is not in your favor. You no longer have time to walk away from your problems. That is when people tend to run to those friends and family members that they hurt and want to mend broken relationships.

When you get older you start to see all those issues getting closer and closer together. You see your kids becoming adults and your parents getting older and more fragile. You start to worry about how you will be able to help both of them in their times of need. That is when you start to walk away from the table and look back at your life. You are counting your money as the song goes. That money is memories. The memories of how you remember your young mother wiping your tears when you fell off your bike. Your dad showed you how to cast a fishing pole when you were five. The birth of your newborn baby that is now married and having her own baby.

In truth, the song can be broken down like this.

You need to know when to hold ’em

You need to know what is truly important in life. Your family and friends, helping others. And most important is to love others.

You need to know when to fold ’em

You need to learn however to leave your bad habits and problems at the foot of Jesus and ask for His help.

Know when to walk away
Know when to run

Learn when to leave bad influences that make you stumble and fall. That can be friends or family members sometimes. And that could sometimes actually help them too.

You never count your money
When you are sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done

Don’t compare yourself to others. Every one of us is different and in many places, a fake picture of ourselves is on display. They act like they are better off them they really are to make you and others feel less. Just be a good person and love others as you would want them to love you. Because when the time comes and the dealin’s done, death comes, God alone will be the judge.

Author: littleslices

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