Tag: sun

Posted in Poems

Looking Through the Windshield

As I drive this lonely freeway looking past the filth of the windshield. I see the beautiful hills and plains that surround me. The waving…

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Posted in Poems

The City Slicker in the Country

You live in a world of concrete and tall walls,An urban jungle of cars, trains, and buses,Of dark alleys and endless noise all around.When summer…

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Posted in Poems

The Real Fish Story

As the morning sun barely starts to shine over the hills in the distance,You find me speeding down the dusty and bumpy dirt road to…

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Posted in My Photos

Catch the Wave

I used a Pringles chip tube and my iPhone to take this photo. I really was unsure what it was going to turn out to…

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Posted in My Photos


Various landscapes in my area

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Posted in Poems

The Oak

Mighty oak. How you have grown since you were but a small sapling. You started out from such a small little acorn. Passed over by…

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