Posted in Events that Changed Me My Photos

My Wedding Ring

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Posted in My Photos

Catch the Wave

I used a Pringles chip tube and my iPhone to take this photo. I really was unsure what it was going to turn out to…

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Posted in My Photos

View From A Birdcage

I laid my iPhone at the base of the birdcage and used my iWatch to remotely take the photo.

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Posted in My Photos

Moth on a Storm Door

Late at night, I found this moth on my storm door. I used my iPhone X with a clip-on macro lens with the porch light…

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Posted in My Photos

Green Bee on Dandelion

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Posted in My Photos

Macros and close ups

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Posted in Stories of my Papa

Taking My Papa a Bird Dog Named Joe

As I was too young to remember this story, I must rely on what my parents and sisters have told this story. As I grew…

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Posted in Special Messages

It’s Been a Long Time

It has been a long time since I wrote on this or my other blog. What is my reasoning for this? Truth is that I…

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Posted in My Memories.

Memorial Day

Today is the start of the Memorial Day weekend. Many of you will be out at the beach, BBQing with family and friends. And yes,…

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Posted in My Photos

Forced Perspective Landscapes

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