Tag: water

Posted in My Life and Times

Coco and Her Little Surprises

Not long after our dog Van Dyke had died, the groomer that we used to take Van Dyke to, called my mother about an overweight…

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Posted in Poems

The Real Fish Story

As the morning sun barely starts to shine over the hills in the distance,You find me speeding down the dusty and bumpy dirt road to…

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Posted in My Photos

Macros and close ups

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Posted in Stories of my Papa

Taking My Papa a Bird Dog Named Joe

As I was too young to remember this story, I must rely on what my parents and sisters have told this story. As I grew…

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Posted in My Photos

Forced Perspective Landscapes

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Posted in My Photos


Various landscapes in my area

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Posted in My Photos

Water in motion

These are photos of a small creek by a campground I spent the weekend at. The waterfalls are forced perspective photos that are only about…

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Posted in Stories of my Papa

Fishing with Papa

Jumping to my feet as I watch the little red and white bobber sink below the calm water’s surface. Ripples shoot out from the spot…

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Posted in Events that Changed Me

Events that Changed Me Part 2

Looking Past DifferencesMany that have known me over the years will tell you that I am one of the least prejudiced people they know. I…

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Posted in Poems

The Oak

Mighty oak. How you have grown since you were but a small sapling. You started out from such a small little acorn. Passed over by…

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